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Families with surname CULLINGWORTH

1Cullingworth, JohnMaleJohn Jackson, JaneFemaleJane    1UY
2Cullingworth, JohnMaleJohn Thornton, MariaFemaleMaria    1UYR
3Cullingworth, Thomas RoydhouseMaleThomas Roydhouse25Simpson, MaryFemaleMary27
February 7, 1846
178Leeds 1YESY
4Cullingworth, Thomas RoydhouseMaleThomas Roydhouse50Thompson, MaryFemaleMary35
March 1871
153Leeds 1YESY
5Cullingworth, WilliamMaleWilliam21Roydhouse, ElisabethFemaleElisabeth20
November 25, 1802
221Bramham 5YESY
6Denison, …Male@P.N. Cullingworth, MaryFemaleMary    0UY
Given names

Total families: 6
HUSB:GIVN Given names