Compact tree of Alice Maud Hannah Jordan

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William Jordan
Compact tree of William Jordan
Hugh Jordan
17681855 ‎(87)‎
Compact tree of Hugh JordanHugh Jordan
17971846 ‎(49)‎
Compact tree of Mary JohnsMary Johns
17751857 ‎(82)‎
Compact tree of Hannah HockinCompact tree of Hugh Jordan
Hannah Hockin
Charles Frederick Jordan
18291896 ‎(67)‎
Compact tree of Charles Frederick JordanAlice Maud Hannah Jordan
18621949 ‎(87)‎
Compact tree of Mary Ann Cass
Mary Ann Cass
18281894 ‎(66)‎
 Compact tree of Ann Trezise
Edward Trezise
17261806 ‎(80)‎
Compact tree of Edward Trezise
Walter Trezise
17631839 ‎(75)‎
Compact tree of Walter TreziseAnn Trezise
18021873 ‎(71)‎
Compact tree of Jenifer GeorgeJenifer George
17621846 ‎(83)‎
Compact tree of Joan Roskilly
Joan Roskilly
17261806 ‎(80)‎