Bernard Charles Patrick + Nancy Elizabeth Booth

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Bernard Charles Patrick Bernard Charles Patrick
Birth ١٩٢٩ -- Martinborough, Wairarapa, NZ

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Nancy Elizabeth Booth Nancy Elizabeth Booth
Birth ١٩٣٣ -- Carterton, NZ
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Frank Howard Booth Frank Howard Booth
Birth ٣٠ جولای ١٨٩٨ -- Carterton, NZ
Death ١٢ آوریل ١٩٩٣ ‏(سن 94)‏ -- Masterton
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Ivy Beatrice Jensen Ivy Beatrice Jensen
Birth ٣٠ آگوست ١٩٠٣ -- Carterton, NZ
Death ١٦ می ٢٠٠٠ ‏(سن 96)‏ -- Masterton
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Last change ٦ دسامبر ٢٠١٣ - 13:19