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Perekonnanime THOMSON kandvad perekonnad

1Farmer, Martin D.MeesMartin D.30Thomson, June D.NaineJune D. 340Y100NL
2Greatbatch, EdwinMeesEdwin31Thomson, Annie CecilyNaineAnnie Cecily23135 5YESY
3Horner, Burnham HirstMeesBurnham Hirst31Thomson, Mildred Constance BellNaineMildred Constance Bell29105 0YESY
4Martin, John MarrittMeesJohn Marritt Thomson, Eliza GertrudeNaineEliza Gertrude23131 0YESY
5Smart, Aaron ErrolMeesAaron Errol25Thomson, NicolaNaineNicola23272Y100N
6Thomson, Francis AdamMeesFrancis Adam21Porter, Florence BeatriceNaineFlorence Beatrice12134 0YESY
7Thomson, Gilbert PercyMeesGilbert Percy26Kirkwood, Isabel MaryNaineIsabel Mary25120 1YESY
8Thomson, Harold John MouleMeesHarold John Moule29Dargaville, Annie EvelynNaineAnnie Evelyn26121 0YESY
9Thomson, John BellMeesJohn Bell31McCrostie, AnnieNaineAnnie1915913YESY
10Webster, Leslie BollandMeesLeslie Bolland25Thomson, Bertha MaudNaineBertha Maud23120 1YESY
11Wilson, Frank EdwinMeesFrank Edwin36Thomson, Winifred Grace BellNaineWinifred Grace Bell21120 6YESY

Total families: 11
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