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Families with surname BRIDGE

1Ballinger, William CharlesMaleWilliam Charles Bridge, Florence NancyFemaleFlorence Nancy2890 0Y100W
2Bridge, JohnMaleJohn …, SarahFemaleSarah    1UYR
3Bridge, JohnMaleJohn23Booth, NancyFemaleNancy231662YESY
4Bridge, WilliamMaleWilliam30Whyte, Agnes AnnFemaleAgnes Ann27123 3YESY
5Rothwell, WalterMaleWalter21Bridge, HannahFemaleHannah221343YESY
6Sage, Frank EdwardMaleFrank Edward25Bridge, Edna MayFemaleEdna May21100 4YESY
7Tew, SidneyMaleSidney20Bridge, Florence NancyFemaleFlorence Nancy1999 0Y100Y
Given names

Total families: 7
HUSB:GIVN Given names