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Families with surname EDWARDS

1Apihene, MaireMaleMaire Edwards, Valerie AnnFemaleValerie Ann    0UW
2Aschenbrenner, Frederick IstvanMaleFrederick Istvan Edwards, Lorraine DawnFemaleLorraine Dawn    0UNL
3Edwards, George AlbertMaleGeorge Albert Pearson, MurielFemaleMuriel    0U DIVHR
4Edwards, George AlbertMaleGeorge Albert54Rean, Grace Elizabeth MaudFemaleGrace Elizabeth Maud44704Y100Y
5Edwards, Mervyn AbbotMaleMervyn Abbot Bailey, Patricia MargaretFemalePatricia Margaret    0UNL
6Edwards, Mervyn AbbotMaleMervyn Abbot Whyte, SherylFemaleSheryl    0UNL
7Godfrey, Christopher R.MaleChristopher R.35Edwards, Christine E.FemaleChristine E.28432Y100N
8Goudsblom, JoopMaleJoop Edwards, Sharron HeatherFemaleSharron Heather    0UH
9Pedrick, WilliamMaleWilliam23Edwards, EleanorFemaleEleanor182047YESYR
10Van Gellekom, Joseph Johannes ArenoMaleJoseph Johannes Areno Edwards, Valerie AnnFemaleValerie Ann    0UY
Given names

Total families: 10
HUSB:GIVN Given names