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Families with surname Sutherland

1Roydhouse, Alan SutherlandMaleAlan Sutherland59Sutherland, Helen BethuneFemaleHelen Bethune57490Y100Y
2Roydhouse, Reginald WalterMaleReginald Walter25Sutherland, Elizabeth McKayFemaleElizabeth McKay291143YESY
3Sutherland, Alexander RobertMaleAlexander Robert32McKay, ElizabethFemaleElizabeth281861YESY
4Sutherland, David MalcolmMaleDavid Malcolm22Ross, HelenFemaleHelen24148 2YESY
5Sutherland, WilliamMaleWilliam Sinclair, CatherineFemaleCatherine    1UYR
Given names

Total families: 5
HUSB:GIVN Given names