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Families with surname CHATFIELD

1Chatfield, Leonard DerbyMaleLeonard Derby Witton, Olive MayFemaleOlive May    0UY
2Chatfield, Richard OliverMaleRichard Oliver24Ponder, Marion DorotheaFemaleMarion Dorothea24800Y100Y
3Chatfield, Robert ThomasMaleRobert Thomas27Cains, Amelia FrancisFemaleAmelia Francis231523YESYR
4Chatfield, Selwyn WyattMaleSelwyn Wyatt19Tapuaka, Sela MafileoFemaleSela Mafileo191250YESY
5Chatfield, Selwyn WyattMaleSelwyn Wyatt32Witton, Annie LouisaFemaleAnnie Louisa341111YESY
Given names

Total families: 5
HUSB:GIVN Given names