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Families with surname APPLEBEE

1Applebee, GeorgeMaleGeorge30Rumbold, BridgetFemaleBridget233015YESY
2Applebee, JohnMaleJohn …, AnneFemaleAnne    9UY
3Applebee, JohnMaleJohn29Gibbs, AliceFemaleAlice 3060YESY
4Applebee, ThomasMaleThomas27Chappel, MaryFemaleMary 3130YESY
5Applebee, WalterMaleWalter30Round, KatherineFemaleKatherine 30810YESY
6Hanninton, JohnMaleJohn Applebee, JennyFemaleJenny222680YESY
Given names

Total families: 6
HUSB:GIVN Given names