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Families with surname Rutherford

1Cooper, GeorgeMaleGeorge22Rutherford, Ada LlewellynFemaleAda Llewellyn271293YESY
2Grant, GeorgeMaleGeorge32Rutherford, MargaretFemaleMargaret261350YESY
3Irwin, JohnMaleJohn28Rutherford, JanetFemaleJanet31170 4YESY
4Lane, JohnMaleJohn Rutherford, ElizabethFemaleElizabeth    0UY
5Rutherford, CharlesMaleCharles56Higbie, MaryFemaleMary 1140YESY
6Rutherford, CharlesMaleCharles35Macpherson, JessieFemaleJessie 1350YESY
7Rutherford, Charles FerdinandMaleCharles Ferdinand …, Harriet QuillianFemaleHarriet Quillian    1UYR
8Rutherford, DonaldMaleDonald Campbell, CatherineFemaleCatherine    2UY
9Rutherford, DonaldMaleDonald Salkeld, Maud AliceFemaleMaud Alice 
10Rutherford, HughMaleHugh29Durnin, ElizabethFemaleElizabeth 1463YESY
11Rutherford, HughMaleHugh McCrostie, ChristinaFemaleChristina    9UY
12Rutherford, JohnMaleJohn Cameron, JanetFemaleJanet    5UYR
13Rutherford, JohnMaleJohn32Durnin, Mary JaneFemaleMary Jane261470YESY
14Rutherford, JohnMaleJohn40McKay, ElizaFemaleEliza 160 0YESY
Given names

Total families: 14
HUSB:GIVN Given names