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Individuals with surname Bishop

1Bishop, Antonie MaryFemale
Antonie Mary,BishopBishop,Antonie Mary8902464FY100Y100
2Bishop, ArthurMale
Arthur,BishopBishop,Arthur160 610753MYESYES
3Bishop, Charlotte PearlFemale
Charlotte Pearl,BishopBishop,Charlotte Pearl131 07160 FYESY100
4Bishop, Constance DorothyFemale
Constance Dorothy,BishopBishop,Constance Dorothy127 08146 FYESY100
5Bishop, Eustace FrankMale
Eustace Frank,BishopBishop,Eustace Frank11924475MYESY100R
6Bishop, GeorgeMale
George,BishopBishop,George   1
7Bishop, Grace VictoriaFemale
Grace Victoria,BishopBishop,Grace Victoria124 01240 FYESYES
8Bishop, Gwendoline MaryFemale
Gwendoline Mary,BishopBishop,Gwendoline Mary117 31997FYESY100R
9Bishop, Iris JeanFemale
Iris Jean,BishopBishop,Iris Jean10603471FYESY100R
10Bishop, JudyFemale
Judy,BishopBishop,Judy863    FY100NR
11Bishop, Leonard ArthurMale
Leonard Arthur,BishopBishop,Leonard Arthur138 08652 MYESY100
12Bishop, Sidney CliffordMale
Sidney Clifford,BishopBishop,Sidney Clifford133 07261 MYESY100
13Bishop, Valerie AnnFemale
Valerie Ann,BishopBishop,Valerie Ann911    FY100N
14Bishop, Vera MyraFemale
Vera Myra,BishopBishop,Vera Myra122 06260 FYESY100
Given names

Total individuals: 14