Mahalath DabneyAge: 731841–1915
- Name
- Mahalath Dabney
- Given names
- Mahalath
- Surname
- Dabney
Birth | 6 August 1841 |
Marriage | George Luddington King - View Family |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 21 January 1875 (Age 33) |
Marriage of a daughter | 26 September 1891 (Age 50) |
Death of a husband | 7 November 1912 (Age 71) |
Death | 5 March 1915 (Age 73) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3466
Family list
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
George Luddington King 1843–1912 |
Florence Sarah King 1875–1954 |