William Collins RoydhouseAge: 801897–1978
- Name
- William Collins Roydhouse
- Given names
- William Collins
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | June 27, 1897 |
Christening | July 9, 1897 (Age 12 days) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | June 1910 (Age 12) |
Death of a father | March 1916 (Age 18) |
Marriage | Alice Ruby Tunstall - View Family September 1925 (Age 28) |
Marriage of a mother | September 1925 (Age 28) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | September 1927 (Age 30) |
Birth of a son #2 | September 1933 (Age 36) |
Marriage of a daughter | June 1950 (Age 52) |
Marriage of a son | September 1955 (Age 58) |
Death of a wife | March 9, 1958 (Age 60) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death of a mother | |
Death | March 1978 (Age 80) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2167
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William Collins Roydhouse 1870–1916 |
Alice Annie Cheverall 1875– |
Alice Annie Roydhouse 1894– |
Beatrice Louisa Roydhouse 1896–1897 |
William Collins Roydhouse 1897–1978 |
Mother's Family with Joseph W. Packer | |
Joseph W. Packer 1871–1946 |
Alice Annie Cheverall 1875– |
Immediate Family | |
Alice Ruby Tunstall 1901–1958 |
Constance A. Roydhouse 1927– |
Colin W. Roydhouse 1933– |