Janet Shaddrow StrangAge: 441846–1890
- Name
- Janet Shaddrow Strang
- Given names
- Janet Shaddrow
- Surname
- Strang
Birth | 1846 |
Marriage | James Cooper - View Family February 8, 1868 (Age 22) |
Birth of a son #1 | March 8, 1868 (Age 22) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | July 6, 1869 (Age 23) |
Death of a daughter | February 6, 1870 (Age 24) |
Birth of a son #3 | 1870 (Age 24) |
Birth of a son #4 | December 25, 1871 (Age 25) |
Birth of a son #5 | June 9, 1873 (Age 27) |
Birth of a son #6 | March 8, 1874 (Age 28) |
Birth of a son #7 | June 12, 1875 (Age 29) |
Birth of a son #8 | August 9, 1876 (Age 30) |
Birth of a son #9 | February 21, 1878 (Age 32) |
Death of a son | May 25, 1879 (Age 33) |
Birth of a son #10 | July 29, 1879 (Age 33) |
Birth of a daughter #11 | May 29, 1881 (Age 35) |
Death of a husband | July 23, 1887 (Age 41) |
Burial of a husband | July 26, 1887 (Age 41) |
Death | May 12, 1890 (Age 44) |
Burial | May 14, 1890 (2 days after death) |
Strang, Janet Shaddrow (1846–1890)
Cooper, James (Marriage 1868)
Cooper, John (1868–1939)
Cooper, Mary Ann (1869–1870)
Cooper, William (1870–1935)
Cooper, James Corvell (1871–1920)
Cooper, George (1873–)
Cooper, Robert (1874–1935)
Cooper, Thomas (1875–1944)
Cooper, Peter (1876–1951)
Cooper, Alexander (1878–1879)
Cooper, Alexander James (1879–1958)
Cooper, Christina (1881–1950)
Extra information
Hit Count: 2927
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
James Strang 1813–1895 |
Isabella Kay 1818–1894 |
![]() |
Janet Shaddrow Strang 1846–1890 |
Immediate Family | |
James Cooper 1847–1887 |
John Cooper 1868–1939 |
Mary Ann Cooper 1869–1870 |
William Cooper 1870–1935 |
James Corvell Cooper 1871–1920 |
George Cooper 1873– |
Robert Cooper 1874–1935 |
Thomas Cooper 1875–1944 |
Peter Cooper 1876–1951 |
Alexander Cooper 1878–1879 |
Alexander James Cooper 1879–1958 |
Christina Cooper 1881–1950 |