Joy Willena McCrostieAge: 83 years1942–
- Name
- Joy Willena McCrostie
- Given names
- Joy Willena
- Surname
- McCrostie
Birth | January 5, 1942 |
Birth of a sister | January 21, 1944 (Age 2) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | June 14, 1946 (Age 4) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | January 17, 1952 (Age 10) |
Birth of a brother | December 3, 1954 (Age 12) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | July 18, 1960 (Age 18) |
Marriage | Ian George Nicol - View Family February 22, 1962 (Age 20) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | April 11, 1964 (Age 22) |
Birth of a son #2 | April 29, 1970 (Age 28) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | August 27, 1972 (Age 30) |
Death of a father | March 14, 1991 (Age 49) |
Death of a mother | October 24, 1994 (Age 52) |
Death of a husband | April 2, 2008 (Age 66) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2603
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Charles Robertson McCrostie 1917–1991 |
Mary Elizabeth Mayne 1915–1994 |
![]() |
Joy Willena McCrostie 1942– |
Marilyn Robyn McCrostie 1944– |
Charles Raymond McCrostie 1954– |
Immediate Family | |
Ian George Nicol 1941–2008 |
Dorothy Jane Nicol 1964– |
James Alexander Nicol 1970– |
Sarah Isabel Nicol 1972– |