Rowland PenningtonAge: 591896–1955
- Name
- Rowland Pennington
- Given names
- Rowland
- Surname
- Pennington
Birth | 1896 |
Death of a father | December 1914 (Age 18) |
Death of a brother | March 1940 (Age 44) |
Death of a mother | June 1940 (Age 44) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death | September 1955 (Age 59) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2850
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Richard Pennington 1858–1914 |
Esther Hulme 1856–1940 |
Jane Pennington 1886– |
George J. Pennington 1888–1940 |
John Pennington 1889– |
Mary Pennington 1891– |
Richard Pennington 1894– |
Rowland Pennington 1896–1955 |