Henry Charles ParsonsAge: 761831–1907
- Name
- Henry Charles Parsons
- Given names
- Henry Charles
- Surname
- Parsons
Birth | 1831 |
Marriage | Elizabeth Mary Rose Napier - View Family 1866 (Age 35) |
Birth of a son #1 | July 21, 1868 (Age 37) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | August 8, 1871 (Age 40) |
Birth of a son #3 | 1879 (Age 48) |
Birth of a son #4 | 1881 (Age 50) |
Death of a wife | February 24, 1882 (Age 51) |
Death of a son | 1882 (Age 51) |
Marriage of a daughter | January 11, 1893 (Age 62) |
Marriage of a daughter | 1901 (Age 70) |
Marriage of a son | 1904 (Age 73) |
Death | June 1, 1907 (Age 76) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 4186
Family list
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Elizabeth Mary Rose Napier 1850–1882 |
Matthew Charles Parsons – |
John Parsons 1868–1918 |
Mary Amelia Parsons 1871–1950 |
Napier Hugh Parsons 1879– |
William Napier Parsons 1881–1882 |
Henry William Parsons – |