Allan Desmond ColemanAge: 551916–1972
- Name
- Allan Desmond Coleman
- Given names
- Allan Desmond
- Surname
- Coleman
Birth | December 17, 1916 |
Marriage of parents | |
Death of a father | May 21, 1944 (Age 27) |
Death of a mother | June 3, 1950 (Age 33) |
Death of a half-brother | May 28, 1963 (Age 46) |
Burial of a half-brother | May 30, 1963 (Age 46) |
Death of a half-brother | September 8, 1964 (Age 47) |
Burial of a half-brother | September 10, 1964 (Age 47) |
Death | May 3, 1972 (Age 55) |
Burial |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3301
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Arthur John Coleman 1873–1944 |
Mary Amelia Parsons 1871–1950 |
![]() |
Allan Desmond Coleman 1916–1972 |
Lila Coleman – |
Mother's Family with William John Dowrick | |
William John Dowrick 1864–1901 |
Mary Amelia Parsons 1871–1950 |
William John Dowrick 1892–1964 |
George Dowrick 1894–1963 |
James Henry Dowrick 1897–1973 |
Mother's Family with Alfred John Thomas Smith | |
Alfred John Thomas Smith 1878–1923 |
Mary Amelia Parsons 1871–1950 |
Leila Elizabeth Rose Smith 1902–1974 |
Myrtle Mavis Smith 1904–1911 |
Albert John Thomas Smith 1909– |
Fanny May Smith 1909– |