David Millar WatsonAge: 731864–1937
- Name
- David Millar Watson
- Given names
- David Millar
- Surname
- Watson
Birth | 1864 |
Birth of a brother | 1866 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | 1872 (Age 8) |
Birth of a sister | 1875 (Age 11) |
Birth of a sister | 1878 (Age 14) |
Birth of a sister | 1883 (Age 19) |
Marriage of parents | |
Death of a sister | June 11, 1907 (Age 43) |
Death of a father | October 11, 1909 (Age 45) |
Death of a sister | August 28, 1919 (Age 55) |
Death of a brother | May 8, 1925 (Age 61) |
Death of a mother | March 6, 1929 (Age 65) |
Death of a brother | June 28, 1934 (Age 70) |
Death | August 2, 1937 (Age 73) |
Burial |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2270
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Abram Watson 1835–1909 |
Marion Young … 1841–1929 |
Caterine Marshall Watson 1860–1919 |
John Watson 1861–1934 |
![]() |
David Millar Watson 1864–1937 |
Abram Watson 1866–1945 |
George Armit Watson 1872–1925 |
Marion Young Watson 1875–1907 |
Isabella Henderson Watson 1878–1973 |
Olive Alice Watson 1883–1968 |