Thomas RoydhouseAge: 811761–1842
- Name
- Thomas Roydhouse
- Given names
- Thomas
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | 1761 |
Christening | August 5, 1761 |
Birth of a brother | 1763 (Age 2) |
Death of a father | |
Death of a mother | |
Christening of a brother | June 21, 1763 (Age 2) |
Death of a brother | December 11, 1785 (Age 24) |
Death | November 7, 1842 (Age 81) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1998
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Roydhouse 1725– |
Ann Dandby 1729– |
Daniel John Roydhouse 1752–1785 |
Ann Roydhouse 1753– |
Elizabeth Roydhouse 1755– |
John Roydhouse 1757– |
John Roydhouse 1759– |
Nancy Roydhouse 1760– |
![]() |
Thomas Roydhouse 1761–1842 |
John Roydhouse 1763– |