David John RoydhouseAge: 75 years1949–
- Name
- David John Roydhouse
- Given names
- David John
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | December 2, 1949 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 1953 (Age 3) |
Birth of a brother | August 3, 1954 (Age 4) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1957 (Age 7) |
Marriage | Cynthia M. Brigham - View Family February 22, 1971 (Age 21) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | September 16, 1980 (Age 30) |
Death of a father | April 24, 1983 (Age 33) |
Death of a mother | February 12, 2013 (Age 63) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3066