John SmithAge: 601837–1897
- Name
- John Smith
- Given names
- John
- Surname
- Smith
Birth | 1837 |
Birth of a sister | 1841 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | 1843 (Age 6) |
Birth of a brother | 1846 (Age 9) |
Birth of a brother | 1849 (Age 12) |
Birth of a sister | 1852 (Age 15) |
Birth of a brother | 1855 (Age 18) |
Marriage | Mary Edge - View Family September 1859 (Age 22) |
Marriage of parents | |
Death of a mother | February 16, 1872 (Age 35) |
Death of a sister | 1878 (Age 41) |
Death of a father | |
Death | July 1897 (Age 60) |
Smith, John (1837–1897)
Edge, Mary (Marriage 1859)
- No children
Extra information
Hit Count: 2579
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Smith 1808– |
Charlotte Perks 1811–1872 |
Harriet Smith 1832–1904 |
Emma Smith 1836– |
![]() |
John Smith 1837–1897 |
Mary Ann Smith 1841–1878 |
Sarah Smith 1843– |
Henry Smith 1846– |
Samuel Smith 1849– |
Miriah Smith 1852– |
George Smith 1855– |
Immediate Family | |
Mary Edge 1842–1900 |