Robert Sinclair NormanAge: 741905–1980
- Name
- Robert Sinclair Norman
- Given names
- Robert Sinclair
- Surname
- Norman
Birth | November 13, 1905 |
Marriage of parents | 1905 |
Birth of a brother | 1906 (Age 49 days) |
Birth of a sister | 1909 (Age 3) |
Birth of a sister | October 2, 1910 (Age 4) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | August 27, 1920 (Age 14) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | April 25, 1925 (Age 19) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | July 20, 1926 (Age 20) |
Death of a brother | 1945 (Age 39) |
Death of a father | 1951 (Age 45) |
Death of a mother | 1972 (Age 66) |
Death | 1980 (Age 74) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2603
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Thomas Norman 1878–1951 |
Alice May Sinclair 1884–1972 |
![]() |
Robert Sinclair Norman 1905–1980 |
Albert Thomas Norman 1906–1945 |
Rubina Jessie Norman 1909– |
Florence May Norman 1910–1996 |