Frank Alfred BoothAge: 771926–2003
- Name
- Frank Alfred Booth
- Given names
- Frank Alfred
- Surname
- Booth
Birth | October 2, 1926 |
Marriage | June Whiteman - View Family |
Birth of a brother | 1928 (Age 14 months) |
Birth of a sister | 1933 (Age 6) |
Birth of a sister | 1934 (Age 7) |
Marriage | Beryl Kathleen Nicholson - View Family October 20, 1951 (Age 25) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | 1951 (Age 24) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | 1952 (Age 25) |
Birth of a son #1 | 1954 (Age 27) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | 1957 (Age 30) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | April 19, 1970 (Age 43) |
Divorce | Beryl Kathleen Nicholson - View Family March 25, 1980 (Age 53) |
Death of a father | April 12, 1993 (Age 66) |
Death of a mother | May 16, 2000 (Age 73) |
Death | November 30, 2003 (Age 77) |
Burial | December 1, 2003 (1 day after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2639
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Frank Howard Booth 1898–1993 |
Ivy Beatrice Jensen 1903–2000 |
Ashley Kingsford Booth 1928– |
Nancy Elizabeth Booth 1933– |
Maureen Beatrice Booth 1934– |
![]() |
Frank Alfred Booth 1926–2003 |
Immediate Family | |
Beryl Kathleen Nicholson 1930–2010 |
Noel Frank Booth 1954– |
Wendy Mae Booth 1957– |
Immediate Family | |
June Whiteman – |