John Kenneth BoothAge: 801933–2014
- Name
- John Kenneth Booth
- Given names
- John Kenneth
- Surname
- Booth
Birth | August 5, 1933 |
Marriage | Judy Bishop - View Family |
Marriage of parents | 1933 |
Birth of a sister | September 21, 1934 (Age 13 months) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | 1951 (Age 17) |
Death of a mother | April 9, 1961 (Age 27) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1962 (Age 28) |
Marriage of a father | 1963 (Age 29) |
Birth of a son #2 | 1965 (Age 31) |
Birth of a son #3 | 1968 (Age 34) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | April 19, 1970 (Age 36) |
Death of a father | June 19, 1984 (Age 50) |
Death of a sister | June 3, 2013 (Age 79) |
Burial of a sister | June 8, 2013 (Age 79) |
Death | July 17, 2014 (Age 80) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3920
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Randell Kitchner Booth 1900–1984 |
Mary Alexandrina MacKenzie 1908–1961 |
![]() |
John Kenneth Booth 1933–2014 |
Marion Anne Booth 1934–2013 |
Father's Family with Iris Jean Bishop | |
Randell Kitchner Booth 1900–1984 |
Iris Jean Bishop 1918–1990 |
Immediate Family | |
Judy Bishop 1939– |
Kirsty Alexandrs May Booth 1962– |
Alastair John Booth 1965– |
George Randal Booth 1968– |