Christina McCrostieAge: 391858–1897
- Name
- Christina McCrostie
- Given names
- Christina
- Surname
- McCrostie
Birth | 1858 |
Birth of a brother | 1860 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | 1863 (Age 5) |
Birth of a brother | 1865 (Age 7) |
Marriage of a father | |
Death of a paternal grandfather | April 7, 1866 (Age 8) |
Birth of a sister | 1867 (Age 9) |
Birth of a sister | 1869 (Age 11) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | February 18, 1873 (Age 15) |
Birth of a brother | May 25, 1874 (Age 16) |
Marriage | James Pritchard - View Family December 25, 1879 (Age 21) |
Death of a brother | March 10, 1882 (Age 24) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1882 (Age 24) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | 1882 (Age 24) |
Death of a mother | February 16, 1896 (Age 38) |
Death | May 11, 1897 (Age 39) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2305
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John McCrostie 1820–1899 |
Margaret Mary Stuart 1835–1896 |
![]() |
Christina McCrostie 1858–1897 |
Charles McCrostie 1860–1882 |
Catherine McCrostie 1863– |
William McCrostie 1865– |
Margaret Jean McCrostie 1867– |
Isabella McCrostie 1869– |
John McCrostie 1874– |
Father's Family with Margaret McGregor | |
John McCrostie 1820–1899 |
Margaret McGregor 1822–1848 |
Immediate Family | |
James Pritchard 1842– |