Kaye Maree PrattAge: 56 years1968–
- Name
- Kaye Maree Pratt
- Given names
- Kaye Maree
- Surname
- Pratt
Birth | March 24, 1968 |
Birth of a sister | March 7, 1970 (Age 23 months) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | May 18, 1985 (Age 17) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | September 28, 1999 (Age 31) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2497
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Graham Edwin Pratt 1935– |
Joan Bethea Stroud 1935– |
Barbara Jane Pratt 1963– |
Anne Bethea Pratt 1965– |
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Kaye Maree Pratt 1968– |
Jennifer Lee Nind Pratt 1970– |