Lily MeacheamAge: 100 years1925–
- Name
- Lily Meacheam
- Given names
- Lily
- Surname
- Meacheam
Birth | 1925 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1936 (Age 11) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | 1953 (Age 28) |
Death of a father | January 18, 1980 (Age 55) |
Death of a mother | August 22, 1988 (Age 63) |
Death of a brother | February 4, 1989 (Age 64) |
Burial of a brother | February 7, 1989 (Age 64) |
Death of a brother | April 4, 2012 (Age 87) |
Burial of a brother | April 10, 2012 (Age 87) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2106
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Walter John Meacheam 1889–1980 |
Constance Ellen Burnett Ellis 1898–1988 |
Colin John Meacheam 1919–1989 |
Ray Meacheam 1920–2012 |
Madge Helen Meacheam 1923– |
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Lily Meacheam 1925– |