John Middleton NelsonAge: 621887–1950
- Name
- John Middleton Nelson
- Given names
- John Middleton
- Surname
- Nelson
Birth | August 4, 1887 |
Marriage | Frances Mary Moore - View Family |
Birth of a brother | June 27, 1890 (Age 2) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | May 22, 1896 (Age 8) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | March 7, 1902 (Age 14) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | September 10, 1904 (Age 17) |
Death of a father | April 19, 1913 (Age 25) |
Death of a wife | 1918 (Age 30) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1918 (Age 30) |
Marriage | Emilie Amanda Englund - View Family 1919 (Age 31) |
Death of a mother | December 17, 1921 (Age 34) |
Death of a sister | January 2, 1947 (Age 59) |
Burial of a sister | January 3, 1947 (Age 59) |
Death | 1950 (Age 62) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2792
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Middleton Nelson 1854–1913 |
Bessie Green 1862–1921 |
Florence Mary Nelson 1884–1947 |
Harry Nelson 1885–1954 |
![]() |
John Middleton Nelson 1887–1950 |
Leonard Nelson 1890–1955 |
Immediate Family | |
Emilie Amanda Englund 1892– |
Immediate Family | |
Frances Mary Moore 1891–1918 |
Elva Mary Nelson 1918– |