Olive Emma BryantAge: 771912–1990
- Name
- Olive Emma Bryant
- Given names
- Olive Emma
- Surname
- Bryant
Birth | December 26, 1912 |
Birth of a brother | April 25, 1914 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a brother | August 15, 1915 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | 1918 (Age 5) |
Birth of a brother | October 21, 1919 (Age 6) |
Birth of a brother | March 4, 1922 (Age 9) |
Death of a father | February 4, 1930 (Age 17) |
Death of a sister | August 2, 1930 (Age 17) |
Marriage | Charles Neil Nielsen - View Family 1934 (Age 21) |
Death of a mother | March 13, 1966 (Age 53) |
Death of a brother | 1970 (Age 57) |
Burial of a brother | March 7, 1970 (Age 57) |
Death of a brother | June 25, 1977 (Age 64) |
Burial of a brother | June 28, 1977 (Age 64) |
Death of a brother | August 23, 1985 (Age 72) |
Burial of a brother | August 26, 1985 (Age 72) |
Death of a brother | May 4, 1988 (Age 75) |
Burial of a brother | May 6, 1988 (Age 75) |
Death | August 21, 1990 (Age 77) |
Burial | August 23, 1990 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 5155
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Herbert Henry Bryant 1883–1930 |
Eva Hannah Bryant 1888–1966 |
![]() |
Olive Emma Bryant 1912–1990 |
Robert Henry Bryant 1914–1970 |
Ernest Clyde Bryant 1915–1977 |
Marjorie Eva Bryant 1918–1930 |
William Leo Bryant 1919–1988 |
Hector Raymond Bryant 1922–1985 |
Immediate Family | |
Charles Neil Nielsen 1908–1997 |