Rosemary Nancy WilsonAge: 681924–1992
- Name
- Rosemary Nancy Wilson
- Given names
- Rosemary Nancy
- Surname
- Wilson
Birth | October 17, 1924 |
Birth of a brother | July 8, 1927 (Age 2) |
Death of a father | November 14, 1927 (Age 3) |
Death of a sister | June 9, 1945 (Age 20) |
Marriage | Richard Selwyn Fendall - View Family November 13, 1948 (Age 24) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | October 24, 1949 (Age 25) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | November 25, 1959 (Age 35) |
Birth of a son #3 | August 22, 1963 (Age 38) |
Death of a mother | September 6, 1964 (Age 39) |
Marriage of a daughter | June 13, 1973 (Age 48) |
Death | October 23, 1992 (Age 68) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1890
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Frank Edwin Wilson 1868–1927 |
Winifred Grace Bell Thomson 1883–1964 |
Lois Winifred Wilson 1909–1921 |
Justin Frank Wilson 1912–1998 |
Wynn Wallace Percy Wilson 1915–1945 |
Alistair Ian Wilson 1922–1923 |
![]() |
Rosemary Nancy Wilson 1924–1992 |
Alaric Neil Wilson 1927– |
Immediate Family | |
Richard Selwyn Fendall 1925–2010 |
Felicity Wynne Fendall 1949– |
Robyn Philippa Joy Fendall 1959– |
Alasdair Euan Stuart Fendall 1963– |