Betty HargreavesAge: 201742–1762
- Name
- Betty Hargreaves
- Given names
- Betty
- Surname
- Hargreaves
Birth | February 1742 |
Marriage of parents | |
Marriage of a father | |
Christening of a sister | July 8, 1744 (Age 2) |
Death of a sister | July 15, 1744 (Age 2) |
Christening of a brother | March 29, 1745 (Age 3) |
Death of a mother | May 12, 1745 (Age 3) |
Christening of a half-sister | May 17, 1758 (Age 16) |
Death | June 3, 1762 (Age 20) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2636
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
James Hargreaves –1766 |
Alice … 1704–1745 |
William Hargreaves –1738 |
John Hargreaves 1739–1796 |
![]() |
Betty Hargreaves 1742–1762 |
Mary Hargreaves 1744–1744 |
James Hargreaves 1745– |
Father's Family with Mary … | |
James Hargreaves –1766 |
Mary … – |
Martha Hargreaves – |
Mary Hargreaves 1758– |