Desmond Ferguson PenningtonAge: 871907–1994
- Name
- Desmond Ferguson Pennington
- Given names
- Desmond Ferguson
- Surname
- Pennington
Birth | 1907 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | June 19, 1908 (Age 17 months) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | June 20, 1912 (Age 5) |
Death of a father | November 18, 1948 (Age 41) |
Burial of a half-brother | June 24, 1971 (Age 64) |
Death | December 6, 1994 (Age 87) |
Burial | December 9, 1994 (3 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2226
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Ernest Edward Pennington 1872–1948 |
Grace Ann Bath – |
![]() |
Desmond Ferguson Pennington 1907–1994 |
Father's Family with Charlotte Elizabeth Bath | |
Ernest Edward Pennington 1872–1948 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bath 1871–1902 |
Ernest Birkenshaw Pennington 1898–1971 |
Elsie Delytus Pennington 1901–1996 |
Charles Bath Pennington 1902– |