Olive May WittonAge: 571885–1942
- Name
- Olive May Witton
- Given names
- Olive May
- Surname
- Witton
Birth | 1885 |
Marriage | Leonard Derby Chatfield - View Family |
Birth of a sister | 1889 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | December 6, 1890 (Age 5) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | 1891 (Age 6) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 1893 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | 1901 (Age 16) |
Death of a brother | 1903 (Age 18) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | June 25, 1908 (Age 23) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | July 6, 1908 (Age 23) |
Death of a mother | May 15, 1909 (Age 24) |
Death of a father | 1919 (Age 34) |
Death | 1942 (Age 57) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2691
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William George Witton 1848–1919 |
Sarah Louisa Roydhouse 1858–1909 |
Annie Louisa Witton 1879–1970 |
Thomas Jordan Witton 1883–1964 |
![]() |
Olive May Witton 1885–1942 |
Hettie Evelyn Witton 1889–1943 |
Helen Sylvia Witton 1890–1992 |
Reginald Francis Witton 1901–1903 |
Immediate Family | |
Leonard Derby Chatfield 1879–1972 |