Alison Crawford McCrostieAge: 781929–2007
- Name
- Alison Crawford McCrostie
- Given names
- Alison Crawford
- Surname
- McCrostie
Birth | March 5, 1929 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1948 (Age 18) |
Marriage | Robert Brian Springford - View Family December 14, 1951 (Age 22) |
Death of a father | August 16, 1972 (Age 43) |
Death of a brother | March 24, 1980 (Age 51) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Burial of a brother | May 19, 1980 (Age 51) |
Death of a husband | July 12, 1984 (Age 55) |
Death of a mother | July 18, 1996 (Age 67) |
Death | June 21, 2007 (Age 78) |
Burial | June 25, 2007 (4 days after death) Cremation: Y |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2774
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Duncan Campbell McCrostie 1896–1972 |
Ann Ayson Watt 1897–1996 |
Alan Morton McCrostie 1925–1980 |
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Alison Crawford McCrostie 1929–2007 |
Immediate Family | |
Robert Brian Springford 1919–1984 |