John Charles RoydhouseAge: 341876–1910
- Name
- John Charles Roydhouse
- Given names
- John Charles
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | March 1876 |
Death of a father | March 1883 (Age 7) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | September 1884 (Age 8) |
Marriage | Ada Emily Knighton - View Family December 1901 (Age 25) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | September 1902 (Age 26) |
Death of a daughter | September 1902 (Age 26) |
Birth of a son #2 | June 26, 1905 (Age 29) |
Death of a brother | December 1906 (Age 30) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death | March 1910 (Age 34) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2316
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
George Henry Roydhouse 1841–1883 |
Caroline Bonnick 1840–1910 |
Rachel Roydhouse 1861–1862 |
Caroline Mary Roydhouse 1862–1865 |
Mary Roydhouse 1863–1910 |
Emily Roydhouse 1865–1865 |
Sarah Roydhouse 1867–1868 |
Kate Elizabeth Roydhouse 1869–1872 |
William Collins Roydhouse 1870–1916 |
George Henry Roydhouse 1872–1906 |
Elizabeth Emily Roydhouse 1873–1931 |
Caroline Esther Roydhouse 1874–1958 |
![]() |
John Charles Roydhouse 1876–1910 |
Immediate Family | |
Ada Emily Knighton 1867–1934 |
Ada Emily Roydhouse 1902–1902 |
John William Roydhouse 1905–1989 |