Rowa Naomi McCrostieAge: 96 years1928–
- Name
- Rowa Naomi McCrostie
- Given names
- Rowa Naomi
- Surname
- McCrostie
Birth | June 12, 1928 |
Marriage | John Sturman - View Family |
Death of a father | July 29, 1974 (Age 46) |
Death of a mother | June 3, 1997 (Age 68) |
Death of a husband | October 17, 2000 (Age 72) |
Burial of a husband | October 21, 2000 (Age 72) |
Death of a sister | November 9, 2000 (Age 72) |
Burial of a sister | November 13, 2000 (Age 72) |
Death of a sister | 2015 (Age 86) |
McCrostie, Rowa Naomi (1928–)
Sturman, John
- No children
Extra information
Hit Count: 3235
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Morton McCrostie 1887–1974 |
Emily Jane Maud Robinson 1889–1997 |
Dorothy Clunas McCrostie 1913–2015 |
Marion Joy McCrostie 1918–2000 |
Aldyth Morton McCrostie 1920– |
![]() |
Rowa Naomi McCrostie 1928– |
Immediate Family | |
John Sturman 1925–2000 |