Alexander Robert SutherlandAge: 711806–1877
- Name
- Alexander Robert Sutherland
- Given names
- Alexander Robert
- Surname
- Sutherland
Birth | 1806 |
Marriage of parents | |
Death of a father | 1810 (Age 4) |
Death of a mother | 1810 (Age 4) |
Marriage | Elizabeth McKay - View Family June 22, 1838 (Age 32) |
Birth of a son #1 | April 18, 1854 (Age 48) |
Death of a wife | August 1866 (Age 60) |
Burial of a wife | August 3, 1866 (Age 60) |
Death | October 21, 1877 (Age 71) |
Burial | October 24, 1877 (3 days after death) |
Marriage of a son | 1877 (Age 71) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2465
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William Sutherland 1741–1810 |
Catherine Sinclair 1756–1810 |
Alexander Robert Sutherland 1806–1877 |
Immediate Family | |
Elizabeth McKay 1810–1866 |
David Malcolm Sutherland 1854–1933 |