Edna Elizabeth NormanAge: 791907–1986
- Name
- Edna Elizabeth Norman
- Given names
- Edna Elizabeth
- Surname
- Norman
Birth | October 6, 1907 |
Marriage | Ashley Elwood Cook - View Family |
Birth of a brother | October 20, 1911 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | January 30, 1913 (Age 5) |
Birth of a brother | February 8, 1916 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | 1917 (Age 9) |
Birth of a brother | 1920 (Age 12) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | April 25, 1925 (Age 17) |
Death of a brother | May 29, 1943 (Age 35) |
Death of a father | May 27, 1952 (Age 44) |
Death of a mother | June 30, 1966 (Age 58) |
Death of a husband | July 6, 1981 (Age 73) |
Death of a brother | November 14, 1986 (Age 79) |
Death | December 13, 1986 (Age 79) |
Burial |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3004
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William Matthew Norman 1876–1952 |
Annie Fraser 1879–1966 |
![]() |
Edna Elizabeth Norman 1907–1986 |
William Ashley Norman 1911–1995 |
Eleanor Mary Norman 1913–2001 |
John Leslie Norman 1916–2000 |
Eric Norman 1917–1986 |
Raymond Fraser Norman 1920–1943 |
Immediate Family | |
Ashley Elwood Cook 1911–1981 |