Richard John HooperAge: 43 years1981–
- Name
- Richard John Hooper
- Given names
- Richard John
- Surname
- Hooper
Birth | February 19, 1981 |
Birth of a sister | May 20, 1982 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a sister | June 7, 1984 (Age 3) |
Death of a father | December 16, 1992 (Age 11) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2294
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Terence Barry Hooper 1956–1992 |
Lynette Ruth Law 1956– |
Robert Warren Williams 1974– |
Richard John Hooper 1981– |
Rebecca Jayne Hooper 1982– |
Lisa Anne Hooper 1984– |