John Glendinning GrieveAge: 711841–1912
- Name
- John Glendinning Grieve
- Given names
- John Glendinning
- Surname
- Grieve
Birth | September 11, 1841 |
Birth of a brother | September 27, 1845 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | 1849 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | 1851 (Age 9) |
Marriage of parents | |
Death of a sister | 1856 (Age 14) |
Death of a sister | December 8, 1858 (Age 17) |
Marriage | Helen Tait - View Family April 27, 1871 (Age 29) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1873 (Age 31) |
Birth of a son #2 | 1875 (Age 33) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | June 24, 1877 (Age 35) |
Birth of a son #4 | 1880 (Age 38) |
Birth of a son #5 | 1882 (Age 40) |
Birth of a son #6 | 1887 (Age 45) |
Death of a mother | August 29, 1888 (Age 46) |
Death of a father | February 21, 1892 (Age 50) |
Death of a brother | August 31, 1898 (Age 56) |
Death of a brother | April 19, 1907 (Age 65) |
Marriage of a son | September 4, 1907 (Age 65) |
Death of a brother | August 12, 1908 (Age 66) |
Burial of a brother | August 15, 1908 (Age 66) |
Marriage of a daughter | March 10, 1909 (Age 67) |
Marriage of a son | 1910 (Age 68) |
Death | September 11, 1912 (Age 71) |
Death of a son | September 11, 1912 (on the date of death) |
Burial |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3166
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Grieve 1804–1892 |
Mary Glendinning … 1804–1888 |
Elisabeth Grieve 1827– |
James Grieve 1828–1898 |
Adam Grieve 1830– |
Robert Grieve 1833–1913 |
Margaret Grieve 1836–1858 |
Jean Curle Grieve 1837–1856 |
William Grieve 1839–1907 |
![]() |
John Glendinning Grieve 1841–1912 |
Adam Grieve 1845–1908 |
Charlotte Mary Ann Grieve 1849–1942 |
Helen Grieve 1851– |
Immediate Family | |
Helen Tait 1848–1940 |
Janetta Margaret Grieve 1873–1955 |
Charles Glendinning Grieve 1875–1912 |
Mary Glendinning Grieve 1877–1960 |
James Herbert Grieve 1880–1918 |
George Robert Grieve 1882–1932 |
Thomas Fife Grieve 1887– |