Caroline RoydhouseAge: 5 months1872–1872
- Name
- Caroline Roydhouse
- Given names
- Caroline
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | April 1872 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death | September 1872 (Age 5 months) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3045
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Roydhouse 1839–1898 |
Hannah Richardson 1837–1888 |
Albert Edward Roydhouse 1863–1944 |
William Richardson Roydhouse 1866–1939 |
Edith Mary Roydhouse 1869–1898 |
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Caroline Roydhouse 1872–1872 |
Annie Louisa Caroline Roydhouse 1874–1874 |
Annie Louisa Roydhouse 1875– |