Irene Stewart MortonAge: 501913–1963
- Name
- Irene Stewart Morton
- Given names
- Irene Stewart
- Surname
- Morton
Birth | 1913 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | June 15, 1914 (Age 17 months) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | January 22, 1915 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | June 11, 1915 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | June 12, 1917 (Age 4) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | January 3, 1919 (Age 6) |
Death of a father | September 21, 1920 (Age 7) |
Marriage of a mother | 1927 (Age 14) |
Marriage | Geoffrey Charles Dawe - View Family 1939 (Age 26) |
Death of a mother | April 15, 1956 (Age 43) |
Death | May 10, 1963 (Age 50) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2275
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
David Stewart Morton 1880–1920 |
Aimee Mildred Withers 1886–1956 |
Ethel Mildred Morton 1911–1979 |
Irene Stewart Morton 1913–1963 |
John Edward Stewart Morton 1915–1974 |
Agnes Claire Morton 1917–2001 |
Mother's Family with Basil Brooke Irwin | |
Basil Brooke Irwin 1888–1970 |
Aimee Mildred Withers 1886–1956 |
Edward Basil Irwin – |
Immediate Family | |
Geoffrey Charles Dawe 1906–1968 |