Estella Matilda OuseyAge: 901881–1971
- Name
- Estella Matilda Ousey
- Given names
- Estella Matilda
- Surname
- Ousey
Birth | September 24, 1881 |
Birth of a sister | April 25, 1884 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | April 25, 1887 (Age 5) |
Death of a father | May 2, 1890 (Age 8) |
Marriage of a mother | October 21, 1891 (Age 10) |
Birth of a half-sister | 1892 (Age 10) |
Birth of a half-sister | 1894 (Age 12) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1896 (Age 14) |
Marriage | James Daniel Beckham - View Family 1908 (Age 26) |
Death of a husband | June 4, 1925 (Age 43) |
Burial of a husband | June 6, 1925 (Age 43) |
Death of a sister | 1925 (Age 43) |
Death of a brother | 1931 (Age 49) |
Burial of a brother | June 11, 1931 (Age 49) |
Death of a mother | October 24, 1935 (Age 54) |
Death of a brother | December 16, 1943 (Age 62) |
Death of a sister | April 13, 1953 (Age 71) |
Death of a half-sister | 1967 (Age 85) |
Death | October 17, 1971 (Age 90) |
Burial | October 19, 1971 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2505
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William Kershaw Ousey 1839–1890 |
Sarah Jane Booth 1855–1935 |
Edgar Harold Ousey 1875–1931 |
Ada Elizabeth Ousey 1877–1953 |
Percival Shaw Ousey 1879–1943 |
![]() |
Estella Matilda Ousey 1881–1971 |
Sarah Beatrice Ousey 1884– |
Camelia Arline Ousey 1887–1925 |
Mother's Family with Charles Wright | |
Charles Wright 1866– |
Sarah Jane Booth 1855–1935 |
Hannah Ivy Jane Wright 1892–1967 |
Evaline Amy Wright 1894–1975 |
Immediate Family | |
James Daniel Beckham 1873–1925 |