William John RoydhouseAge: 751832–1908
- Name
- William John Roydhouse
- Given names
- William John
- Surname
- Roydhouse
Birth | August 25, 1832 |
Christening | July 4, 1837 (Age 4) |
Death of a brother | July 2, 1849 (Age 16) |
Death of a father | September 1851 (Age 19) |
Marriage | Mary Johns Jordan - View Family May 28, 1855 (Age 22) |
Birth of a son #1 | March 22, 1856 (Age 23) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | |
Comment | Note: Came to NZ in the "Asterope" arr Wellington 6 Oct 1868 with wife and 5 Children |
Christening of a son | May 4, 1856 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | April 27, 1858 (Age 25) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | July 19, 1860 (Age 27) |
Birth of a son #4 | September 7, 1862 (Age 30) |
Christening of a son | March 16, 1865 (Age 32) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | November 18, 1865 (Age 33) |
Birth of a son #6 | December 10, 1868 (Age 36) |
Birth of a daughter #7 | October 27, 1870 (Age 38) |
Death of a mother | February 15, 1874 (Age 41) |
Birth of a daughter #8 | June 17, 1874 (Age 41) |
Death of a sister | 1875 (Age 42) |
Marriage of a son | November 8, 1876 (Age 44) |
Marriage of a daughter | 1876 (Age 43) |
Marriage of a daughter | August 5, 1878 (Age 45) |
Marriage of a son | December 29, 1882 (Age 50) |
Marriage of a daughter | November 21, 1885 (Age 53) |
Marriage of a son | December 9, 1891 (Age 59) |
Death of a sister | August 17, 1898 (Age 65) |
Marriage of a daughter | August 17, 1901 (Age 68) |
Death of a wife | June 25, 1908 (Age 75) |
Burial of a wife | June 26, 1908 (Age 75) |
Death | July 6, 1908 (Age 75) |
Burial | July 8, 1908 (2 days after death) |
Roydhouse, William John (1832–1908)
Jordan, Mary Johns (Marriage 1855)
Roydhouse, William Francis (1856–1926)
Roydhouse, Sarah Louisa (1858–1909)
Roydhouse, Mary Ann Jane (1860–1940)
Roydhouse, Thomas Richard (1862–1943)
Roydhouse, Matilda Jane (1865–1917)
Roydhouse, John Charles (1868–1931)
Roydhouse, Jessie (1870–1947)
Roydhouse, Alice Maud (1874–1928)
Extra information
Hit Count: 4330
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Thomas Roydhouse 1772–1851 |
Sarah Clark 1784–1874 |
Thomas Henry Roydhouse 1816–1849 |
Louisa Elizabeth Roydhouse 1819–1898 |
Ann Roydhouse 1825–1875 |
![]() |
William John Roydhouse 1832–1908 |
Immediate Family | |
Mary Johns Jordan 1832–1908 |
William Francis Roydhouse 1856–1926 |
Sarah Louisa Roydhouse 1858–1909 |
Mary Ann Jane Roydhouse 1860–1940 |
Thomas Richard Roydhouse 1862–1943 |
Matilda Jane Roydhouse 1865–1917 |
John Charles Roydhouse 1868–1931 |
Jessie Roydhouse 1870–1947 |
Alice Maud Roydhouse 1874–1928 |