John William MorrisonAge: 751910–1986
- Name
- John William Morrison
- Given names
- John William
- Surname
- Morrison
Birth | July 23, 1910 |
Birth of a sister | 1910 |
Marriage | Margaret Ellen Fogarty - View Family 1929 (Age 18) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | August 14, 1934 (Age 24) |
Death of a father | 1951 (Age 40) |
Death of a mother | October 24, 1980 (Age 70) |
Death | 1986 (Age 75) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3233
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Hugh Morrison 1877–1951 |
Murel Stanley Booth 1881–1980 |
Nancy Jessie Euphemia Morrison 1910– |
![]() |
John William Morrison 1910–1986 |
Immediate Family | |
Margaret Ellen Fogarty 1914–1992 |