George Edward DobsonAge: 771913–1990
- Name
- George Edward Dobson
- Given names
- George Edward
- Surname
- Dobson
Birth | April 1913 |
Birth of a sister | March 21, 1916 (Age 2) |
Death of a mother | January 15, 1925 (Age 11) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | January 17, 1932 (Age 18) |
Death of a father | April 22, 1935 (Age 22) |
Marriage | Dorothy L. Johnson - View Family 1938 (Age 24) |
Death | August 25, 1990 (Age 77) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1894
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Edward Dobson 1880–1935 |
Gertrude Ann Roydhouse 1878–1925 |
Ida Dobson 1906– |
Marian Dobson 1909– |
George Edward Dobson 1913–1990 |
Kathleen Dobson 1916–1998 |
Immediate Family | |
Dorothy L. Johnson 1916–2007 |