Maurice Stephen George MonkAge: 711897–1968
- Name
- Maurice Stephen George Monk
- Given names
- Maurice Stephen George
- Surname
- Monk
Birth | 1897 |
Birth of a sister | April 25, 1898 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a brother | July 16, 1899 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | 1901 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | 1902 (Age 5) |
Birth of a sister | November 6, 1908 (Age 11) |
Birth of a sister | April 24, 1910 (Age 13) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | November 28, 1911 (Age 14) |
Birth of a sister | 1916 (Age 19) |
Death of a sister | 1916 (Age 19) |
Death of a mother | April 21, 1945 (Age 48) |
Death of a father | April 19, 1962 (Age 65) |
Death | April 24, 1968 (Age 71) |
Burial | April 29, 1968 (5 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2372
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Maurice Stephen George Monk 1874–1962 |
Lilian Mary Bryant 1872–1945 |
![]() |
Maurice Stephen George Monk 1897–1968 |
Elsie Emma Monk 1898–1981 |
Vernon John Monk 1899–1991 |
Leslie Gordon Monk 1901–1979 |
Edna Eva Monk 1902– |
Unis Frances Monk 1908–1989 |
Mona Evelyn Monk 1910–1982 |
Ngaire Lilian Monk 1916–1916 |