Charlotte Pearl BishopAge: 601894–1954
- Name
- Charlotte Pearl Bishop
- Given names
- Charlotte Pearl
- Surname
- Bishop
Birth | 1894 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1896 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | 1898 (Age 4) |
Birth of a sister | 1901 (Age 7) |
Death of a sister | 1901 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | 1903 (Age 9) |
Marriage | John William McCormack - View Family 1913 (Age 19) |
Death of a father | 1918 (Age 24) |
Death of a mother | 1934 (Age 40) |
Death of a brother | 1939 (Age 45) |
Death of a sister | 1944 (Age 50) |
Death of a brother | 1953 (Age 59) |
Death | 1954 (Age 60) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2287
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Arthur Bishop 1865–1918 |
Charlotte Booth 1866–1934 |
Leonard Arthur Bishop 1887–1939 |
Sidney Clifford Bishop 1892–1953 |
![]() |
Charlotte Pearl Bishop 1894–1954 |
Constance Dorothy Bishop 1898–1944 |
Grace Victoria Bishop 1901–1901 |
Vera Myra Bishop 1903–1963 |
Immediate Family | |
John William McCormack 1884–1960 |