Geoffrey William ReanAge: 82 years1943–
- Name
- Geoffrey William Rean
- Given names
- Geoffrey William
- Surname
- Rean
Birth | 1943 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | July 25, 1943 |
Birth of a brother | 1948 (Age 5) |
Birth of a sister | 1951 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | 1956 (Age 13) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | February 26, 1957 (Age 14) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | June 5, 1957 (Age 14) |
Birth of a brother | 1959 (Age 16) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | April 20, 1987 (Age 44) |
Death of a father | January 30, 2000 (Age 57) |
Death of a mother | October 5, 2007 (Age 64) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2785
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
William John Rean 1917–2000 |
Iris West 1922–2007 |
![]() |
Geoffrey William Rean 1943– |
Philip John Rean 1948– |
Lynette Angela Rean 1951– |
Christopher Alexander Rean 1956– |
Robin Timothy Rean 1959– |
Mother's Family with John Maurice Voigts | |
John Maurice Voigts 1920–1941 |
Iris West 1922–2007 |